Those Magnetic Ribbons
I've noticed that the purveyors of patrotic pap have a new item for sale throughout the country in convenience stores and auto parts stores. At every check-out counter a neat display of ribbon shapped cut-out extolling the "virtue" of the moment. "Support The Troops" etc. These are really very nifty. Fashioned from a flat magnetic material they can be placed seamlessly on you car and removed as easily. Most of the slogans are designed to be "politically correct" that seems to me at least a bit out of place in the pedigree of the broadside. Not only are these slogans "safe" they are equally a paradox. While blogging the other day, I came upon some of these ribbons for sale that seemed a good alternative to their convenience store brothers.
What is more, II liked the slogan, if any of us could start believing that we could take it seriously. We should after all, paraphrasing Lincoln, embrace the the angels of our better nature. 
What is more, II liked the slogan, if any of us could start believing that we could take it seriously. We should after all, paraphrasing Lincoln, embrace the the angels of our better nature.

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