Is Bailey White Really Sleeping in DeFuniak Springs?
There is a rumor floating around town that the author Bailey White is sleeping in De Funiak Springs. When I first heard this from one of my fellow English teachers at the high school, I wasn't really surprised. I'd listened to Bailey White's distinctive southern voice over NPR for several years and I knew she was from the Tallahassee area.
But what really made me a believer, was that I had recently listened to one of her commentaries in which a number of locations in the story sounded a lot like my hometown.
The Antique Mall, Mamie's Cafe, and "The Lakeyard" all struck "close to home". In fact, after a little digging on the internet, I found the story in question, "The Long Black Veil." It was obvious she had been here. My fellow English teacher knows someone, who knows someone who has met her.
If you expecting me to draw a map or give her address, forget it. I have a view that people in the limelight deserve their privacy. If you've read her books, you know she already reveals a good deal about herself and her life. No need to give the GPS location of her house. We will leave her be and let her come out when she is ready. But it would sure be nice if we could get her to come speak to our English classes, some of whom will be reading, " Mama Makes up Her Mind" this semester.
But what really made me a believer, was that I had recently listened to one of her commentaries in which a number of locations in the story sounded a lot like my hometown.
The Antique Mall, Mamie's Cafe, and "The Lakeyard" all struck "close to home". In fact, after a little digging on the internet, I found the story in question, "The Long Black Veil." It was obvious she had been here. My fellow English teacher knows someone, who knows someone who has met her.
If you expecting me to draw a map or give her address, forget it. I have a view that people in the limelight deserve their privacy. If you've read her books, you know she already reveals a good deal about herself and her life. No need to give the GPS location of her house. We will leave her be and let her come out when she is ready. But it would sure be nice if we could get her to come speak to our English classes, some of whom will be reading, " Mama Makes up Her Mind" this semester.

Click on the link below to
listen to Bailey White's Commentaries on NPR
Listen To Bailey White
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