Activboard Training at Freeport H.S.

My own world if you care to look over my shoulder.
Do my ordinary days resemble yours?
The tiny electronic gadgets that we all seem to find indispensible all require batteries. The weakest link in our conquest of our universe is the common household battery. Before going to bed I must make sure that all my devices are charging. Their tiny blinking red lights fill my dreams.
We each sat in our own chairs, our solace in a world that is passing us by. Or are we in fact, passing it by. The so called music that is heralded as the century's best was indeed not for us. I guess we just aren't as interested in what is going on around us as we were in the past. I think my deepest thoughts during the so-called countdown, were of my children and their offspring. I uttered a prayer for all of them, in the hopes that our creator would hear me and answer their prayers in the time to come. We were put here for something, and I hope we have satisfied that purpose. To you and all of yours, for the generations to come, may all of you be privy to the very best of everything, and appreciate the efforts of all those who came before you.
God bless all of you.
Mother and Daddy